Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG

Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG: Focusing Transformation by selling freesort GmbH

Berlin, 30 September 2024 – Today Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG (FP) entered into a share purchase agreement with an Austrian Investor concerning the sale of all shares in freesort GmbH.

freesort GmbH, which forms the Mail Services segment, offers franking and downstream access services for outgoing mail for business customers. In 2023, freesort GmbH generated revenue of EUR 66.8 million and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of EUR 2.1 million (Segment figures based on local accounting standards).

With the sale of freesort GmbH, the FP Group focuses on the business areas Mailing & Shipping Solutions as well as Digital Business Solutions and aims to drive forward its transformation.

Consequently, Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG has adjusted its forecast for 2024. Considering the business area as a discontinued business area, the contribution of freesort GmbH to Group revenue and EBITDA is to be eliminated for 2024.

Therefore, revenue for 2024 is now expected to be up to 32 % below previous year’s reported revenue of 241.8 million euro and up to 7 % below previous year’s adjusted revenue of 175.6 million euro. EBITDA is expected to be up to 26 % below the previous year’s reported EBITDA of 31.0 million euro and up to 17 % below the previous year’s adjusted EBITDA of 27,6 million euro. Previously, a decline in revenue of up to 6 % and a decline in EBITDA of up to 12 % had been expected based on reported figures.

The Board and Supervisory Board express their thanks to all freesort employees who have done an outstanding job over the past few years under challenging market conditions. Special thanks go to Managing Director Lars Tisken, who has successfully and profitably positioned the division with his outstanding expertise and leadership.

For Investor Relations inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Monika Plum

Head of Strategy & Investor Relations

Phone: +49 (0)30 220 660 410


About Francotyp-Postalia:

Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG, a listed company based in Berlin, is the holding company of the globally active FP Group (FP). FP is an expert in solutions that make office and working life easier and more efficient. FP has the following business areas: Mailing, Shipping & Office Solutions and Digital Business Solutions. In the Mailing, Shipping & Office Solutions area, FP is the world’s third-largest provider of mailing systems and the market leader in Germany, Austria, Scandinavia and Italy. FP is represented in 15 countries with its own subsidiaries and in many other countries via a dealer network. In the Digital Business Solutions business area, FP improves customers’ business processes with solutions for document workflow management, business process management & automation and shipping & logistics. In 2023, FP generated revenue of more than EUR 240 million.
