The franking machine lives on! In Germany alone, around 14.7 billion addressed letters were sent this year. With its new PostBase Vision franking system, FP aims to secure a large share of this market.
Berlin, 06. November 2019 – Francotyp-Postalia (FP), expert in the secure mailing business and secure digital communication processes, is taking machine franking to a new level with its new PostBase Vision. The PostBase Vision is linked to the Internet, offering particular operating convenience, tailored device performance and the latest security standards. From November 06. it will also be available on the German market.
Simple, convenient, flexible
PostBase Vision supports customers in sending letters just as quickly and conveniently as sending an email. Up to 70 mailings per minute, 250 cost centres, an integrated 3-7 kilogram set of scales and extended connectivity for LAN, WLAN and USB: The new franking system is able to cope with any challenge in everyday office life. Its intuitive touch display in combination with simple operator guidance offers maximum operating convenience and makes it easy for users to get started. “The letter remains the most secure and trustworthy method for important communication. With our latest innovation we are keeping the despatch of letters the ideal method for the present and future,” says Matthias Lorenzen, project manager and CEO of FP Manufacturing Company.
Always up-to-date with the FP Portal
The status and settings of the PostBase Vision can be evaluated around the clock via the “discoverFP” online portal by computer, tablet or smartphone. This provides users with an overview of the current machine status and optional multi-level reports on their outgoing letters, while always keeping an eye on the expenses. As a result, the administration of the cost centres and postal charge management become child’s play. Regular online updates keep the software up to date at all times and ensure that PostBase Vision will gradually become a little better even after having been purchased.
Through “discoverFP”, customers also have access to the FP Sign digital signature solution, which additionally offers them the opportunity to sign and archive documents electronically without wasting any time.
PostBase Vision grows with the customers
The new high-tech device from FP is not only worth the investment for large companies with high letter volumes. PostBase Vision is also a partner that can be relied on at all times by companies during the start-up phase. “We think of customer orientation with a long-term perspective. With its modular concept, PostBase Vision enables a made-to-measure entry point. Our customers can put PostBase together as required with various performance options and bundles and can rely on the system growing easily and in an uncomplicated manner with their company,” says Lorenzen.
Even visually, PostBase Vision can be adapted to customer wishes. You can choose between five different colour accents to complement the modern design.
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Company contact
Karl R. Thiel, Leitung Markenkommunikation/PR
Tel.: 030 220 660 123
For press enquiries about the FP Group, please contact us:
Thomas Kartanowicz
Tel.: 040 899 699 815
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About Francotyp-Postalia (FP)
The listed and globally operating FP Group with headquarters in Berlin, Germany, is an expert in the secure mailing business and secure digital communication processes. As the market leader in Germany and Austria, the FP Group offers products and services in the areas of “Franking and Folding/Inserting”, “Email Services” and “Software” for the efficient processing of mail, consolidation of business mail and digital solutions for companies and public authorities. The Group achieved generated revenues of more than 200 million euros in 2018. Francotyp-Postalia has subsidiaries in ten different countries and is represented by its own distributor network in an additional 40 countries. With a company history spanning 96 years, FP possesses a unique DNA in the areas of actuating elements, sensor systems, cryptography and connectivity. FP’s global market share for franking systems is more than eleven percent.
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