Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG


Birkenwerder, 2014-02-04

  • Growing interest in De-Mail from companies and authorities
  • Simple, verifiable and confidential communication holds numerous benefits

Birkenwerder, 4. February 2014: Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG (FP), the first accredited De-Mail provider, expects De-Mail to make a significant leap forwards this year on its way to becoming an important and accepted communication medium. On the one hand, business has a growing need for more trustworthy and secure communication now that it is known how easily e-mail messages can be picked out and read. On the other, De-Mail holds huge potential for developing into the standard for communication with the authorities since E-Government legislation came into force last summer and strengthened official commitment to electronic data interchange. De-Mail holds increasingly clear benefits for companies and authorities. The reason: De-Mail facilitates simple, verifiable and confidential electronic communication.

Interest in De-Mail is growing since the enactment of E-Government legislation. Essentially, this governs aspects including the administration’s duty to open an electronic channel and that of the Federal Administration to open access for De-Mail. ‘The benefits are evident,’ explains Hans Szymanski, CEO of the FP Group. ‘De-Mail provides encrypted written correspondence, avoids media discontinuities, speeds the exchange of documents, and saves costs.’ He is certain: ‘For us, 2014 is going to be the year of De-Mail’.

Further evidence of rising interest in De-Mail comes from numerous entries submitted to Francotyp-Postalia for the De-Mail Award for Innovation. To further promote the De-Mail idea and give third parties an opportunity for active involvement, the FP Group will present the inaugural award this year. Contenders can include companies, institutions and individuals developing innovative communication concepts around De-Mail. The De-Mail Award for Innovation is to be presented at CeBIT on 12 March 2014. Further information:
