Invitation and Agenda
Information pursuant to Section 125 German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz – AktG) in conjunction with Article 4 Table 3 of the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
password-protected Annual General Meeting portal
Annual Report 2021 (including Consolidated Financial Statements 2021 (IFRS), combined Group Management Report for Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG and the Group, Report of the Supervisory Board, Report of the Management Board on the disclosures pursuant to Sections §§ 289a para. 1 and 315a para. 1 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and Remuneration Report)
Financial Statements 2021 according to HGB (German)
Explanation on agenda item 1 without a resolution, Agenda Item 1
Synopsis of the amendment to the Articles of Association FP Holding AG (German)
Control and profit and loss transfer agreement, Agenda Item 8 (German)
Shareholders' resolution on the control and profit and loss transfer agreement under item 8 of the agenda (German)
Consolidated report on the controlling and profit and loss transfer agreement under item 8 of the agenda (German)
Articles of association of Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG (German)
Explanations on shareholders’ rights pursuant to section §§ 122 Abs. 2, 126 Abs. 1, 127 and 131 Abs. 1 AktG partly in conjunction with COVID-19 Act (German)
Information for shareholders and their proxies on processing of personal data by Francotyp-Postalia AG (German)
Total number of shares and voting rights
Form for postal voting or issuing power of attorney and instructions to the proxies of the Company
Power of attorney
Revocation of power of attorney
Voting results (German only)
Presentation (German)
AGM Report | GSC (German)
* Disclaimer:
If you are unable or unwilling to exercise your voting rights and other exercisable shareholder rights yourself, you can use our online service to vote by post or issue power of attorney and instructions to the company’s proxies or use the above-mentioned forms for this purpose.
Information on data protection can be found under “Articles of association and information on shareholders’ rights”(German).